1984-2009 I emasculated!
On a hot August afternoon, I placed my testicles.
(and the brain to reset the pain)
And then,
every morning to pour milk, and swallow, to chew thoroughly, very hard to swallow pieces. Each kind of piece. In my bowl pre-post (a), soaked biscuits huge, bulky, numbing, buzzing, hairy, slimy, flying.
Live a mental short circuit?
Vivo a mental short circuit?
Copula: You live a short mental? And so on.
Anyway, I took to get bored. I began to swell it to transpire to the atmosphere. We
, boredom, boring, I know.
Io so. Io so. Io so. Io so. Io so. Io so. Io so. Io so. Io so. Io so. Io so. Io so. Io so. Io so. Io so.
Nessun calore, se non nel breve lasso di tempo intercorso dallo spegnimento della lampadina ad incandescenza. Nel vuoto cosmico, un incommensurabile filamento di tungsteno andava raffreddandosi riscaldando. E tutto procedeva verso lo zero, pur assommando costantemente valori medi, scarti, delta, vettori nulli. Hai coscienza del tu scomparso fra l’adesso e l’Adesso?
Eppure, sei.
Di scopata in scopata, fra i tuoi rutti e il piscio, la tua merda odorosa, il tuo pus, i tuoi germi e batteri... costantemente bellissima, femmina, attractive, moist, hot. Beyond me, beyond your yellow flowered dress. Quarantine.
(sitting in a corner irrelevant, look lost and regretted sexual heal my scar, so similar to that opening, now much sought after, yet so grotesquely unlike, incomplete, useless)
Hence, experimenting with the Attak. The powerful adhesive does not penetrate the Teflon non-relationship, and everything is covered by dry scales infertility sperm.
The sand is everywhere, everywhere dell'arsura most marine and sticks, cover, to my eager nostrils, ready to tear any space, any silence, any look indulgent love me, by God!
The sand is everywhere, as everywhere dell'azzerante taste of salt that line my face. Who is the demon that visits me every night? Maldoror ... I hate him. I do not hate him: he is incapable. Yet the very essence of my being acid reacts with horizontal, basic. Not inert, and, indeed, in addition to any appreciable extent. Maldoror I breathe in, the language about language, saliva in saliva. Our respective hands on our respective scars. And we rocked in the dark on the lingering pleasure offhand, sticky, dark, poor and never, never, never mutual.
(the mirror can not reflect my highly visible eyes)
But here, the ancient swelling, recovered. White panties hidden deep within the crotch, it outlines the shape of my penis. The squat and ungainly shape of the stalk useless decided that my position on the demarcation of gender confusion, now there is a clear and conspicuous. The power of the erection sinking roots deep in my soul brown, woody, earthy, chaotic. Countless war swords and legs marching thunder from remote battlefields. Twenty years thrown into the fray, and, indeed, much less, men or soldiers? Clash between forces, and who is the property of the shield più invincibile?
Cade un petalo nero grande come la notte, fra i corpi dimenticati al sole. Il popolo vittorioso non avrà che da forgiare nuove mani, nuove spalle, nuovi membri per abbracciare una pace più lunga. Il dispendio calorico per il mantenimento sulla frontiera della guerra sporca e cattiva ha un leggero calo, ma si riprende. A regime. Con costanza, torno a riempire la mia scodella prima-dopo. Riapro gli antelli della cucina. Riapro i cassetti. Ne estraggo cereali e cucchiai, latte e biscotti. Rivedo rinascere il sole, riascolto ribattere la pioggia. Saluto nuovamente un giorno trascorso, riabbraccio quello nuovo. La rasserenante consistenza della ripetizione, l’ennesimo rituale con il suo carico insignificance of mathematics. Infinitesimal than eighty years pretty much, and I do not have significant points.
gastric cycle repeats the conclusion of the previous one, and so on. Consider the consistency of my package, I measure the mass of my belly. Comodo abstinent pig and spoiled, dancing towards the end of the day, the end of the week, the end of the month.
The end of loneliness.