Sunday, April 25, 2010

How Do I Know If My Cat Has A Tumor


What is freedom? According to Isaiah Berlin, "the essence of freedom has always consisted in the ability to choose how you want to choose him, so you will, without coercion or intimidation, without a huge swallow us, and the right to resist, to be unpopular, to stand up for your beliefs just because that are yours. True freedom is this, and without it there is never freedom of any kind, nor even the illusion of it. "

Freedom is therefore a measure of determination, and can manifest in the actions that flow from the will, whether for or against the current reference to a social structure.

Daily Today we are completely free to do what we want, but perhaps this same freedom keeps us from so many times to express ourselves, to express determination or intent that would lead us to be men and women better. This difficulty often stems from the need to respond to the needs caused by our way of life, the result of economic freedom exasperated. It is understandable that becomes a need to educate themselves to be more aware about the relationship with things and people, in order to achieve true freedom, that is capable of elevating the spirit and above all the mind, and thus laying the basis for a more just and peaceful world. Instruments da utilizzare per realizzare questa crescita risiedono nel distacco dalla materia, dalla quale l’uomo non deve dipendere, e dalla comprensione del presente: una mente attiva e sufficientemente intelligente, scevra da qualsiasi impedimento che le pulsioni (e le relative repulsioni) nate da istinto e abitudini possono influenzare, è in grado di “intendere e volere” con ferma decisione. La buona volontà, in una mente libera da vizi, è da sola il motore che spinge le persone verso il miglioramento continuo della qualità della propria vita. Ogni vizio può essere superato una volta che se ne apprende l’esistenza se si adottano dei comportamenti nuovi, che non diano spazio all’indulgenza nel medesimo.

The true freedom, without constraints, is thus distinguished from the "game", which in the bonds is precisely its raison d'etre.


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