Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Phones Can Stream Flash


Here is the list of fairs to attend. I'm waiting.

MILAN Milan, 11 - 13 March 2011
The entrance and the ticket for visitors is at Fieramilanocity - Hall 4 - Porta Colleoni Viale Scarampo - 20100 Milano
Entrance public, at 10-20. Tickets: € 12.00.

Novegro, March 27, 2011 Exhibition Park
Novegro Street - 20090 Segrate (MI)
Orari: solo domenica dalle 9.30 alle 16.30
Ingresso: € 10,00 - ridotto € 5,00

Cremona, 10 aprile 2011
Mostra Mercato del giocattolo d'epoca e da collezione
Frazione Cavatigozzi - Palestra Comunale
Orari: 10:00 -17:00 Ingresso gratuito

Bologna, Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1, 2011
Palanord via Stalingrad, 81. Saturday 9-19, Sunday 9-18.

36th Cosplay
Milan, Saturday 7 and Sunday, May 8, 2011
Atahotel Executive Boulevard Sturzo, 45 (Stazione FS Garibaldi).
Hours 10-20. Info:

Exhibition of vintage toys and collectibles
Piacenza, May 15, 2011
FaxHall Village Shopping Center next to the train station
Hours: 9.30 -17 Free admission

Reggio Emilia, Saturday, May 21, 2011
Fair of Reggio Emilia, Via G. Filangieri, 15 (next to the highway exit Reggio Emilia).
Public opening hours from 9.30 to 18 Free admission .

Novegro, June 19, 2011 Exhibition Park
Via Novegro - 20090 Segrate (MI)

Anniversary Sheet Cake Designs


Here is a nice package of mochi mixed. The mochi are "balls" of rice noodles stuffed with various creams (azuki, green tea, strawberry, etc.).. Slurp!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cricket Bat Sizes Chart


the infinite existing KitKat flavors are joined by a new one to cherry blossoms. Indeed, we say that a return to old style, raised each year in time for the arrival of spring and cherry blossoms. Yum!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How To Get Rhino V In Ratchet Clank


"Why do we need to rhyme?"

Eh, is because people do not really listen to much, however, boh, he realizes that rhythmically repeats the same syllable, and then dance. And if dancing, still is. And if it is, it consumes.
music is an invention of the traders to keep people away from serious stuff and let him spend the money on french fries, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages.

Friday, March 4, 2011

I Hit Myself On The Temple


The arrival of the two Panda from China to Japan has triggered a race to the sweet and the most creative gadget. E 'become a race between the various retailers who best represents the exceptional event. Andersen I saw the faces of panda cookies, Hard Rock Cafe I found the key with the same name and logo wherever you find them stickers and posters that capture and Panda plush two beautiful campsite in the middle of Ueno station, greeting travelers Metro hopes that this small / big event do reflect the importance of not losing contact with the animal world, especially in a city as gray as Tokyo.
news just out:
- Claymore Illustration "Memorabilia" (book)
- Monster Hunter Illustrations (book)
- Gundam "The Origin" vol 22 (manga)
- Cue Module Suite of Pretty Cure (toy)
... following list tomorrow

Ma ho anche visto una bellissima bambola di Georgie completa di box in ottimo stato in una vetrina che conteneva oggetti vintage più vecchi di me!

Redneck Themed Birthday Party


Thursday, March 3, 2011

8 Newtonian Reflector Telescope

Nota sul registro

A. The pupil smoking in class and lives in a fairy tale.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

What Happened In 2009 Wikipedia

Monday, February 14, 2011

Lava Lamp Lava Stuck At Top

Ogni volta che vado a Tokyo, facendo zapping in tv mi capita spesso di vedere programmi dedicati a fumetti e anime. Solo due o tre persone (importanti o meno importanti) che parlano di fumetti mostrando disegni, tecniche e spezzoni di anime. Io li trovo di una noia mortale, ma chissà, forse perché parlano in giapponese!!

Fish Sticks Episode Quotes


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Giant Headphones Sale

Although Japan is now the best-selling games are electronic, the traditional ones continue to be held in high regard. In many Silver Haze (the convenience store) you can find cheap versions. As these small paper and bamboo kites, whose purpose it is more decorative than practical. Course can be purchased (usually mail).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Camera Bag To Fit Nikon D40

Yamato Melon Pan

The combination of comics and sweets in Japan is thriving and infinite good to increase the distribution capacity. But this is not High marketing strategy to hit the creativity used in every field and every anime and comics. This is a kind of melon pan of Yamato: Very good!

Technical Polaroid 20x24

Restaurants in Tokyo

Most restaurants are traditional Japanese dishes on the menu in the window so that customers can choose the look and also judging not only by name. In fact the dishes in this showcase are plastic representations of the dishes that you will faithfully and then on the table. This is located in Asakusa, where the tradition is the driving force of trade, because thanks to the presence of the temple, tourists will find everything you want in this neighborhood: the tradition in the round.

Upconverting Receiver 2009


Saturday, February 5, 2011

All Nighter Wood Stove Pipe


In the early eighties, with the arrival of television anime series Mazinger Z, Italian manufacturers began to market gadgets related to the famous giant robots. Among these there were also stickers, sold in packs of three, each a surprise in the same format as the figures (probably use the same distribution system). Here are some jump out still sealed. Who wants to buy them can send an e-mail, taking into account that cost 2 euro per bag.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Intimidating Sports Quotes


For fans of Creamy Mami comes a new blog, entirely dedicated to the pretty boy wizard. The blog will host all the latest news and curiosity about the Japanese character.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Info On Dia De Simon Bolivar

Libera interpretazione degli enunciati al termine del film “Human Nature”

"When some things are known, one of which is inherent to another, or serve a distant relationship but localized, the mind immediately recognizes the power of the normal learning of those things, whether related or not, whether remote or not. "

The mind makes a summary of things that (re) knows, a summary of the differential effective to provide an opinion on the things perceived.

"So just as with other contingent truths, and in general by means of any perception of the term, that is the thing and the things by which a contingent truth, especially concerning the present, can not be known."

Since the mind recognize the things that he knows (or subsequent) can not do that with everything going quotas, but only with what passes for perception.

"In establishing axioms by this kind of induction, need to start exploring the axiom so predetermined, structured with the criteria of that information and those from which it is derived."

perceptive look at the nature of our reality, is can assume an imagined reality, provided consistent with the perceived reality that far, only conceivable as a representation of the same, or any relationship with it.

"And observe whether it is wide or wider."

Once seen the imagination, one can therefore relate to reality sensoriale.

“E se infatti è più vasto o ampio, dobbiamo capire, attraverso l’indicazioni di quelle informazioni assolute, se sia più vasto o ampio per mezzo delle sicurezze collaterali.”

Il gatto sembra mordersi la coda. Una volta realizzato l’immaginario, la misura di quanto immaginiamo è in relazione con l’esperienza dei precedenti confronti di ciò che facciamo riconoscendo la realtà percepita e mettendola in relazione con la realtà immaginata. Di conseguenza, possiamo riconoscere la qualità delle nostre percezioni, relazionandole lucidamente al corpo delle medesime (apprendimento?).

“Poichè non possiamo, nè immettere pensieri in things already known, nor generally chasing shadows and abstract shapes. Since we can not, nor enter thoughts into things already known, nor generally chasing shadows and abstract shapes in solid objects and constructed that is made of matter. "

In summary: do not make reality. We recognize it or in relation to our lives in what we perceive to what surrounds us, or in relation to the body in the suggestions that we get consistent in thinking.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pokemon Plush Project


come directly from the Seventies Grendizer card which you can see a couple of examples in this post. Popped up from a thrift store in Tokyo and are a feast for the eyes. They were accompanied by many others and some mini album in which to collect.
who was interested can write to the usual mail:

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Neckpain The Week Before My Period

Riesco solo a dirmi che dovrei fare pensieri migliori.

not that hard. There is a table, for example. A table in a nice house. A house that I do not know, but I can still call home. Just because we are you.
E visto che ci sei anche tu, sono felice. Siamo felici insieme, anche se in stanze diverse. Perché mentre tu non sei qui affianco, io sono seduto a questo tavolo. C’è un orologio che ticchetta, che quando scandisce le ore, fa cantare degli uccellini. Il cinguettio segue la scansione del giorno: ora è più forte, ora è più gentile, a seconda che sia pomeriggio, o sera. C’è dell’acqua che bolle. È inverno, da fuori vengono i rumori dei copertoni delle macchine. Tu sei nell’altra stanza, non so perché ci metti tanto. Dovrei alzarmi, forse; dovrei muovermi verso di te, verso lo spazio che adesso  è nascosto ai miei occhi, dove si consuma il mistero.

Il Tea is good. As this book, like me. I am good, I have reached the right temperature. Runs well. They are one meter high and seventy-six, weighing seventy pounds. I am a bit 'short-sighted. I play the piano. We would like to take pictures, I write. I am good, I think of you.
of you know nothing. I like that your air, the tone of your voice. I would like to touch your toes, who can hear the flap of the collar of your shirt. I would like to look at while choosing something, to hear what you have to say, listen to your opinion about my mistakes. I wish I could thank for nothing, you can expect to hear from you all, reward your trust.

I'm standing in the doorway between two rooms. I was wrong. I am here now. Non sono nella stanza dov’ero prima, non sei nella stanza in cui credevo tu fossi. Ho le tue parole, e la mappa dei tuoi lineamenti. Nella toppa della porta ci sono le chiavi.
Basta girarle, uscire. Cercarti. Fare. Condividere.
Resto sulla porta fra le due stanze.
Ho delle cose da sbrigare.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Drivers License Renewal Grace Period Ohio

Eccomi di nuovo

Hello everyone. More than six months that I stopped posting on the blog but I was not completely idle. My work has continued on blogger where you can follow me at Twitter .
These days I've done to rejuvenate the blog, to make it less heavy widget eliminating useless and obsolete.
Stay tuned;)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Etch A Sketch How To Drain An


Per festeggiare i 60 anni compiuti da Snoopy (e dagli altri personaggi dei Peanuts), in Giappone sono uscite delle bellissime borse in tela. Nella foto eccone un esempio. Chi volesse acquistarle può scrivere alla solita mail.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How Do Women Shiny Legs

Students in uniform on the JR

Quando ero bambina vivevo in periferia di Milano, una delle più note ancora oggi per delinquenza e pericolosità. Ma andare a scuola, anche se si doveva attraversare l'intero paese per raggiungerla, non creava problemi nè preoccupazioni. Oggi si vedono file di macchine e genitori e/o baby sitter in attesa dei bambini in exit / entry from school, because you do not trust to leave them alone even for a few hundred meters. In Japan, things have never changed. Today, as then, children like those pictured in their neat uniforms, also use the underground area of \u200b\u200bJR to go to school without any problems.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cramping In Right Hand After Playing Tennis

Asakusa at night

one night in Asakusa, the temple to find peace after the confusion and stress of a day

Underactive Thyroid In A Pug

Happy New Asshole!

Sì, ecco.

Fabbrichiamo portachiavi. Giochiamo a scacchi sul nucleare. Coloriamo tutto dello stesso colore. Esplodiamo viullenza. Fracassiamo vetri, mangiamo male, scopiamo poco, parliamo ancora meno. Ridiamo a tempo. Boicottiamo il Brasile. Perdiamo Yara. Sporchiamo dove cammineremo. Infliggiamoci vasectomie. Esigiamo solo il piacere. De-localizziamo l’occupazione. Creiamo pretesti. Filming the living room of the killers. Take photos without printing. Blasoniamoci empty words written by others. Abituiamoci the trench. Veneered boards. Perspiration without guilt. Surprise odors. Inventiamoci third and fourth genders. Is that enough. Indigniamoci if it is not enough. We try to win at dice our own clothes. Sacrificed knife, sharpen the lamb. Cement salaries. I suck. "Love your neighbor." "Kill the neighbor." "Close right before going to sleep." "It also gives you a text message to Haiti."
get happy to make the complicated lives of others. We count the errors. We denounce the excesses that we do not benefit. Non buttiamo nulla, che non si sa mai. Cambiamo più cellulari che dentizione. Inoculiamo inchiostro all’interno della nostra cute in maniera irreversibile. Addestriamo i nostri linfonodi. Trapiantiamoci nuove mani. Andiamo a dormire subito dopo aver timbrato il cartellino. Scegliamo in assoluto la maniera più conveniente per farci fregare. Tanto tutto ha un prezzo. Siamo cresciuti, adesso: perché credere all’amore e alla gratuità e alla pace e alla giustizia? Siamo cresciuti, adesso: perché invecchiare? Ci stiamo divertendo, adesso: perché morire?

Prima o poi mi fermerò a tanto così.