this Sunday's Gospel invites me, again, to be humble, meek. In this way you can find the wisdom to appreciate the true nature of things, without which everything is wrapped a veneer of affectation, of pride. The research should not be more targeted to the privilege, but the use, enjoyment and sharing. A certain restraint
allows us to remain in a position to appreciate and truly live our humanity, without it being confused by the actions and thoughts and actions induced by artificial needs.
is not a question of morality, Lorenzo. There are "good behavior" because it is right. The Christian, unlike other concepts, the law does not see the need to impose discipline, the rule for life. So much so that the only commandment that is "dictated" to update and break with the previous antiquities is: love. And love means probably give way to others. Let others come into us, but without forcing them to bend or to struggle to get into crevices and small blinds. The need to have a great mind, a big heart, the need to shut up and listen, understand and make it their own then leads to the opportunity to speak, and to let console.
is not the opposite of force, all of this. This is a non-violent force, a force that continues well beyond the physical removal and constraint, every victory, every invasion, every act of supremacy. The strength of agreement in the latter sense that they are not really generating human: what is human in a dead body? As c’è di umano nel riconoscere solo il diverso nei nostri simili?
Si deve essere umili, per non smettere di imparare.
Si deve imparare, per essere saggi.
Si deve essere radicali, per applicare la propria saggezza nei propri giudizi.
Si deve abbracciare la saggezza di chi è venuto prima di noi, apprezzandone la tradizione.
Nella staffetta umana non ci dev’essere posto per chi suppone di poter conservare un posto nella Storia. Un posto nella Storia non è un posto vicino a nessuno; è soltanto un’ipoteca sulla felicità degli altri, che alla lunga ci lascia soli ed infelici.
allows us to remain in a position to appreciate and truly live our humanity, without it being confused by the actions and thoughts and actions induced by artificial needs.
is not a question of morality, Lorenzo. There are "good behavior" because it is right. The Christian, unlike other concepts, the law does not see the need to impose discipline, the rule for life. So much so that the only commandment that is "dictated" to update and break with the previous antiquities is: love. And love means probably give way to others. Let others come into us, but without forcing them to bend or to struggle to get into crevices and small blinds. The need to have a great mind, a big heart, the need to shut up and listen, understand and make it their own then leads to the opportunity to speak, and to let console.
is not the opposite of force, all of this. This is a non-violent force, a force that continues well beyond the physical removal and constraint, every victory, every invasion, every act of supremacy. The strength of agreement in the latter sense that they are not really generating human: what is human in a dead body? As c’è di umano nel riconoscere solo il diverso nei nostri simili?
Si deve essere umili, per non smettere di imparare.
Si deve imparare, per essere saggi.
Si deve essere radicali, per applicare la propria saggezza nei propri giudizi.
Si deve abbracciare la saggezza di chi è venuto prima di noi, apprezzandone la tradizione.
Nella staffetta umana non ci dev’essere posto per chi suppone di poter conservare un posto nella Storia. Un posto nella Storia non è un posto vicino a nessuno; è soltanto un’ipoteca sulla felicità degli altri, che alla lunga ci lascia soli ed infelici.